๐Ÿ“ŠRevenue Allocation

In alignment with our commitment to support and preserve cultural heritage and support artists, the revenue allocation is meticulously structured, with a significant portion directed towards meaningful contributions:

Preservation and Research (20%): For every NFT sold, 20% of the proceeds are allocated to our partner NGO dedicated to the preservation and research of cultural heritage sites. This partnership is crucial for the maintenance and academic study of sites such as Carahunge.

Artist Support (20%): An additional 20% is directed to the partner NGO responsible for representing the selected artists. This ensures that a fair share of the proceeds goes directly to the artists, supporting their craft and livelihood.

Operational, R&D, and Expansion (60%): The majority share, 60%, is retained for administrative expenses, further research and development, and the strategic global expansion of the project. This portion is vital for the ongoing evolution of the Realm of Historia platform, enabling us to extend our reach to other historical sites and enhance the projectโ€™s offerings:

  • Expansion to Other Historical Sites: A significant part of the budget is earmarked for the expansion of the Realm of Historia project to include other historical sites around the world. This involves identifying potential sites, conducting research, and establishing partnerships for the development of new collections. Each new site offers a unique cultural and historical narrative, enriching the overall diversity of the project.

  • Development of 'The Atrium': A significant portion of this budget is allocated to the development and continuous enhancement of 'The Atrium'. This virtual realm will be a central feature of Realm of Historia (think Ready Player One meets Tron - thatโ€™s our vision of one aspect of our futures), offering users immersive experiences that blend history, art, and technology. Investment in 'The Atrium' includes technical development, user experience design, and content creation to ensure an engaging and interactive environment.

  • Lore and Character Development: A substantial part of the budget is allocated to developing a rich, immersive lore that forms the backbone of the Realm of Historia universe. This includes crafting detailed backstories, races, traits, and histories for each character in the collection - all done with various historians and scholars to craft an authentic story based on real-world events, lore and fables. The lore is not just a narrative element; it's a way to deepen the engagement and connection of the users with the Realm of Historia universe.

  • PFP Artwork Creation: In tandem with the lore, there's the creation of unique PFP artworks that represent these characters. This involves collaborating with artists to visualize the lore in a way that is visually appealing and resonates with the audience. Each character's artwork would reflect its unique traits and backstory, making each PFP a window into the Realm of Historia universe.

  • Development of an Interactive Game: A portion of the budget is dedicated to developing an interactive game that ties into the Realm of Historia universe. This game is not only a form of entertainment but also an educational tool that teaches players about history and culture. It also serves as a platform for players to earn rewards, making the experience both engaging and beneficial.

  • Gamified Experience and Reward System: Integrating the game with a rewards system that incentivizes learning and participation is crucial. This could involve quests, challenges, and puzzles that are based on historical events and cultural facts, encouraging players to explore and learn while playing.

  • Integration into the Self-Sustainable Philanthropic Model: Ensuring that the game and the character collection contribute to the project's philanthropic goals is key. This involves smart contract mechanisms that could allocate a portion of in-game transactions or PFP sales towards heritage preservation efforts, thereby making the game a cog in the self-sustainable philanthropic endeavor of Realm of Historia.

  • Community Engagement and Education: Part of the budget goes towards community engagement initiatives. These are designed to not only attract and retain players but also to educate them about the historical and cultural aspects embedded in the game. This could involve forums, webinars, and collaborative events that bring players together and deepen their understanding of the themes presented in the game.

Secondary Market Sales: Upholding the self-sustainable model, the same exact fund distribution applies to secondary sales. Each time an NFT from the Realm of Historia collection is resold, the designated percentages are consistently allocated to the respective avenues (as outlined above) from the 10% royalty fees. This ensures that our mission of preservation, support for the arts, and organizational growth continues with every transaction, making every sale a part of a continuous cycle of support and development.

Every NFT holder becomes a perpetual Steward of Historia, fostering a dynamic ecosystem where culture and history thrive through the collective efforts of the community.

Last updated