✈️The “Stone of Fortune” Airdrop and Raffle System

We are introducing a captivating and innovative approach to engaging with digital art through an intricate raffle system right off the bat - as showcased in the Realm of Historia: Carahunge X collection. Here's how the system unfolds, from inception to the exhilarating chance of winning a prized asset:

Step 1 - The Initial Minting

It begins with the minting of NFTs from the main collection. Collectors and enthusiasts are invited to acquire a piece of this exclusive digital art, which represents a slice of Armenian history and culture. Each NFT serves as a passport to the past and a stake in the future of heritage preservation. Their mark - mark of a Steward of Historia.

Step 2 - Snapshot and Airdrop

Following the minting process, a snapshot - a record of all holders is taken. This pivotal moment captures the community of collectors as it stands, locking in the participants for the subsequent phase. Each NFT holder is then airdropped a Stone of Fortune, a digital asset that holds the potential for further rewards.

Step 3 - The Airdrop Raffle Collection

The Stones of Fortune are not merely collectibles; they are tickets to an airdrop raffle. The Carahunge X: Stones of Fortune collection comprises 2500 NFTs, each representing a chance to partake in a raffle that's as much about luck as it is about engagement with the project's core values.

Step 4 - The Burn

Participants face a strategic choice with their Stones of Fortune: hold onto them or 'burn' them. Burning an NFT in this context means deliberately removing it from circulation, a gesture that symbolizes a deep commitment to the project and enters the holder into a raffle to win one of the exclusive Crates of Fortune.

Step 5 - Crates of Fortune

The burn process leads to a raffle where the stakes are high and the rewards substantial. The Crates of Fortune come in three tiers: Wooden, Granite, and Golden, with each tier offering different levels of rewards accessible via the project's website. A limited number of each crate, 250 in total, amplifies the exclusivity and value of these rewards.

Step 6 - The Winners' Circle

From the pool of participants who choose to burn their Stones of Fortune, 250 winners emerge. These fortunate few will have the opportunity to claim a Crate of Fortune: 150 will receive a Wooden Crate, 75 a Granite Crate, and a select 25 a Golden Crate. Each winner's prize signifies not only the rarity of their win but also their contribution to the overarching mission of cultural preservation - as winners of the rare tiers will enjoy additional advantages in future projects within the Realm of Historia ecosystem and the project's grand-scale vision.

! Ongoing Engagement and Future Collections !

While the diagram details the current Carahunge collection, it's important to note that names, images, and the mechanics themselves may evolve with future collections. Each subsequent release aims to deepen engagement, expand the narrative, and continue to intertwine the threads of history, art, and modern technology.

The Stone of Fortune and raffle system is a testament to Realm of Historia's dedication to creating an engaging, dynamic, and meaningful interaction with digital heritage right from the very beginning. Fostering excitement and conversation throughout, whilst preparing to dive deeper - a vision where each step a collector takes is part of a larger journey of preservation, education, and community.

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